Sunday, September 23, 2012

The croissant feud.

The official start of the hunting season . Farmers and their dogs converge from miles around . By late morning the village green covered with battered vans and equally battered tractors. I count 53 before giving up. Amid much back slapping and laughter the farmers head into the salle des fetes for a convivial glass of armagnac ... or two. Outside, in the shade of the plane trees, the dogs wait patiently. The high point in the canine calendar . Freedom after six months of being cooped up at home . At noon the farmers reappear and vans, tractors and well looked after dogs process, slowly, along the lane. By this stage the excited dogs are in full voice.

In the little market town the battle of the bakers continues. Someone telephoned the ' incomer ' to ask if he would make an extra sixty croissants for a wedding. He did. No one came to collect them and the number he had been given turned out to be disconnected. Foul play is suspected. Relations between the two establishments have deteriorated yet further.


  1. But what happened to the croissants?
    Even Wilf would have struggled to dispose of a spare sixty!

  2. What a mean prank on the baker--In the words of Rodney King, 'Can't we all just get along?'--Like the farmers and their dogs?

  3. Oooooooo, the plot thickens.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  4. A dastardly trick indeed. Have often
    wondered whether your loyalties
    still remain with the old bakery,
    given your raves about the perfection
    of the pastries at the new one.

  5. calling inspector clouseau . . . calling inspector clouseau . . .

  6. Those dogs have amazingly large noses!
    I have been anxiously awaiting an update on the Bakery War. That was a very mean prank; no more phone-in orders now at that bakery I would expect. What about the 60 croissants? Surely not gone to waste?

  7. My allegiance has switched from the established baker to the newcomer. The bad blood is boiling.

    Love the sweet, soulful expressions on the digs faces. Being a cat lady, I am unfamiliar with their breed.

  8. That's a nasty trick to play!

    I worry about the alcohol consumption and hunting...I don't think they mix! Keep a sharp eye about...

    What sweet dogs!

  9. Send them over here. They have to be better a few days old over the ones we can get at the local grocer!!

  10. Well that was very low down. I hope the newcomer flourishes because the old one certainly doesn't deserve to be in business.
    Those noses look lovely.

  11. Dear Angus - heavy dog withdrawl symptoms!!! Take care from Southern Italy Susanne, daisy, Foxiie and Kiri

  12. Blast - I thought that was the arrival of your new dogs
