Friday, December 7, 2012

Winter arrives.

Blue skies and twelve degrees when we leave the Rickety Old Farmhouse.  Minus three and a sleet laden gale when we arrive in Carcassonne. The streets full of Spanish celebrating the start of Advent. Perhaps celebrating not quite the right word to describe the droves of storm lashed, irritable folk standing waiting for the mayor to turn on the Christmas lights. Purple and pink the ' in ' colours for 2012. Everyone cries out '' oooh " then there's a stampede towards the nearest bar. Our hotel mercifully ''as warm as toast ".


  1. Oh, it looks beautiful there! Enjoy your trip!

  2. Are you sure that they didn't cry out "ewwwww"....purple and pink??

  3. It LOOKS cold. 48 now, but heading toward the 70's in deepest SoCal profounde...

  4. Those pictures are absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Are the old town walls floodlit? That would be worth seeing.

  6. Love the photos of the castle ramparts from your hotel window??
    Stay warm...hope you packed the sweater with the bear in the

  7. Sympathy with the crowds....SHE spent a New Year's Eve like that once.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. I'd remembered awhile back reading something about Carcassonne, so I looked it up--A true monument of stone and manpower!

  9. I read somewhere that using colours other than red and green is a way to neutralize the traditional religious aspect of Christmas, thus making the seasonal decorations more inclusive i.e. winter celebration. Many stores call the trees "holiday trees", have "holiday sales" and play only in store music that has no religious conotation.
    A well known resort hotel here is decorated in burnt orange and ecru, another aqua, pale orange and brown. When I went to get ornament hooks today, the store featured artificial trees in hot pink, lilac, black, white and aqua!
