Thursday, December 6, 2012

Glamour and excitement.

The new hoover arrives by courier from Germany. ' The font ' has ordered it.  A day-glo orange affair with an irritating smiley face appliqued onto its body. In a further sop to the marketing men it appears to be called ' Henry the Hoover '. The colour and the name are presumably there to obscure its somewhat utilitarian design. Both ' the font ' and Madame Bay seem to be happy with it. After a road test along the Upper Hallway Henry the Hoover is finally stowed away next to Mabel the Mop and Basil the Broom.The glamour and excitement of life in deepest France profonde.


  1. Some hoovers are designed merely for short lived flings, others (mostly German) are clearly marriage material.

  2. Will Madame Bay be demonstrating Henry to her cronies? You'd better get the champagne and canapes ready.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. ...And Harry and Madame Bay lived happily ever after... ;-)

  4. Henry looks like he can take Madame Bay for a spin....she should be happy now.

  5. Ha ha ha! Oh, thank you for a good laugh this morning! I can just picture him dancing with Madame Bay now!

  6. Ha haaaaaa! Basil the broom. Just about choked on me corn flakes with that. Thanks for the morning laugh! Hopefully hoovering will go smoothly now.

  7. I am very sure the font will have proved to be excellent matchmaker. A nice solid, hardworking German that can tackle the most difficult jobs with ease. Now, there you are!
