Sunday, October 21, 2012

The last room in Paris revealed.

The last room left in Paris is on the ground floor at the back of the hotel . The young lady receptionist , dressed in  those black silk pyjamas much loved by boutique hotels the world over , hands 'the font' the key and  informs us the room is  ' absolutely charming. It has a view of the garden. You are lucky to get it '. In this case 'absolutely charming'  turns out to mean astoundingly small. It also means dark. Really dark.  Angus thinks it would be ideal for developing photos. As for the garden this is a tiled patio four feet wide and eight feet long, its walls painted white. A Chinese gentleman, also dressed in black pyjamas, stands outside the window tending a large vase of orchids with a watering can . He waves. I wave back. 

Angus finds that in order to get to the wardrobe he has to turn and walk sideways. '' Not a room to tarry in " says 'the font' quickly deciding that sharing this confined space is going to prove to be a trial. A contraflow system is introduced. It is suggested that Angus sit on the bed and watch television while 'the font' unpacks. This doesn't work. Angus's feet stick out over the bottom of the bed barring movement from one side of the room to the other. Soon Angus hears those magic words : '' why don't you go to the bar and get a glass of wine ? I'll join you in a minute ".


  1. The room. Incentive to get out and about and enjoy the glories of Paris. Or a second glass of wine. And by the way, I've definitely had smaller in Venice...
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. SHE has stayed in much smaller....with NO charm.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. I agree about the size, and being a bit claustrophobic I would worry about there maybe not being enough room for oxygen! :-)

  4. I have some old film that needs developing.....
    Make the most of that "absolutely charming" room, and enjoy Paris.

  5. least you are near the fire exit....x

  6. Ah, yes, those words that are magic to a husband's ears all over the world...."go and get a glass of wine and I'll join you shortly!"
    JoAnn in Maryland

  7. Its good that its small, gives you more opportunity to be out and about...

  8. It was the last room in Paris.

  9. Is that a photo of Place des Vosges? Like Kari said "it was the last room in Paris." And, it wasn't fatal or permanent, so enjoy!

  10. The painting on the wall looks a bit like Paul McCartney.

  11. I suppose you could have sat in the lotus position.
    I was once shown a "five star hotel" room in Paris where the mattress sat stoically on the floor and one could only sit on the toilet with one's legs sticking out of the door.
    The "star" system could use an overhaul.

  12. Well, your photos make the room look charming...

  13. Second Rottrover - I find it charming but I'm short...

  14. With puppies it would have become a PEter Sellers film... Take care the S.Italian Crew

  15. I think it looks quaint, but my husband is 6'4", I think he would go crazy.
