Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What is it with the price of peppers ?


  1. How odd. You would have thought that they could grow zillions of them over there and they would be quite cheap.

  2. Good question. Perhaps it's weather related, or involves shipping costs, or crop failure, or my personal best guess...greed.

  3. Good question. Perhaps it's weather related, or involves shipping costs, or crop failure, or my personal best guess...greed.

  4. This question comes at a good time. Having just done a grocery shop last night, I purchased 4 red peppers for $4.99 (Canadian $). There are 3 pepper plants growing in our veg garden, but our season is short at best, so we won't see the peppers until late July or August if lucky. So, I think I agree with Camille, greed may very well be at the top of the list. Peppers are expensive!

  5. The price of peppers ALWAYS makes me frown...a package of three sweet bell is HOW MUCH???!!!! argh....REALLY REALLLY need a good sunny spot to garden! And here I thought the price of groceries was skyrocketing!.. As to your question...the best response I can come up with today is...."I know..right?"
    Those stats are interesting...

  6. Yes I heard this fact reported on the radio...strange, my shopping bill seems to increase by the week, but I haven't noticed that my waistband is expanding. I wonder what brand of fairy dust it is they sprinkle over their spreadsheets. I must get some for my bank account.

  7. It's quite sad the way the vast majority of Americans continue to slowly kill themselves with toxic food. Unfortunately, we all pay the price with out of control health care costs. If only we could just afford a damn pepper! ;)

  8. Ahhhhhhh, statistics. Working with averages again?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  9. Peppers are costly here in Az also, and I really don't love them that much. Not fond of them in salads as a rule. The only way I like them is baked and stuffed and as my boys eat like five shire horses (that is one boy eats equal to what five horses eat) I would have to buy a lot of peppers. Hence I rarely do.

  10. The killer is that is extremely expensive to eat healthy, but all the food that's bad for you is cheap. There's also the fact that a lot of stores are deciding for us what we're going to eat. If you're shopping at a large chain like Wal-Mart, then you don't have much selection. There are all kinds of different brands and options, but you won't get it if you keep going to big chains. *sigh* It's the farmer's market on Saturday mornings for me until it closes for the season.

  11. I think they meant PIPERS. The price of airfare from Scotland has dropped quite a bit in the past few years! :)

  12. It is due to a light crop that makes the price go up. Lack of water. And it takes alot to grow, pick, & pack & ship.
